Speech Direct: un'estensione per Chrome per una dettatura e navigazione migliorate
Speech Direct is a browser extension for Chrome developed by T-Pro. Designed to be used with Speech Direct 2.1 or later, this extension provides users with access to a wide range of commands and interactions when using T-Pro's Speech Direct dictation application.
One of the key features of Speech Direct is the ability to select text by name. For example, users can simply say "[select-patient]" to select any instances of the word "patient" in the target application. This feature can greatly improve efficiency and ease of use for those who rely on dictation software.
In addition to enhanced text selection, Speech Direct also offers improved navigation, dictation, and command execution. Users can navigate through their applications, dictate text, and execute commands using voice commands, making it a powerful tool for hands-free operation.
To enable the Speech Direct Extension, simply click "Add to Chrome" and then "Add extension". Once installed, users can manage the extension by clicking the menu icon, selecting "Extensions", and looking for Speech Direct Extension. It is important to note that if the "Enable" box is not selected, users should make sure to select it.
It is worth mentioning that after installing the extension, any open tabs will need to be refreshed before dictating via Speech Direct.
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